― 자동차로 오실때
네비게이션 주소
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 대포동 342-2번지 - 지번
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 중산간서로 594번길 7-8(대포동) -도로명주소
네비게이션 전화번호 : 738-8383
― 버스로 오실때
1)공항에서->5번게이트 800번,800-1번 공항버스타고->(40분소요)회수사거리하차->도보5분(400m) (중문통나무 리조트)도착.
2)공항에서->5번게이트600번공항버스타고->(40분소요)중문관광단지입구 하차->택시타고5~10분(중문통나무 리조트)도착.
How to get to Jungmun Log Pension & Resort
(1)at the airport(1F:gate4:No.800 Bus or No.800-1 Bus/terms 20mins/1person/about4,000won)(takes40-50min)
==>> Take off at “Hoesu village hall”. It takes 10minutes on foot to our hotel(500m distance).
Please phone us when you arrive the bus stop. +82 64 738 8383/+82 10 8835 2340/
+82 10 2499 3792/+82 10 3883 2340. Wechat ID:kimseonmee/ ID:jejusumi/ ID:wildtour
We will go there to pick you up whitin 5min.
If you are worrying about the destination where to get off, please show this to the No.800bus driver that "회수사거리에 내려주세요". He will let you know when you arrive "Hoesudong"
(2)at the airport(1F:gate5:limousine bus(No.600))/every 10min.very often/1person/about5,000won)(takes50min)
==>> Take off at “Lotte Hotel(Jungmun area)”. Go to the hotel reception and tell the receptionist to call a taxi.==>>
Show to the taxi driver that you are going to "중문통나무 리조트"(tel:064-738-8383)(takes10min)
(3)at the airport : Take the taxi(direct)/about35,000won.
So there are 3 ways to come here.
1. No.800 bus or No.800-1 bus
2. No.600 bus
3. Taxi
(4)Korean GPS:738-8383
연락처 : 064-738-8383 / 010-2874-2345